The Singapore National Stroke Association is happy to launch the #StrokeDontStayatHome movement in Singapore today. This is a public awareness initiative in collaboration with the Stroke Services Improvement (SSI) team and Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore (Angels Initiative). According to World Stroke Organisation (WSO), fewer stroke patients are seeking emergency medical care at hospitals due to COVID-19 concerns across the world.

Stroke is an emergency condition. Without adequate treatment, more stroke patients are at risk of death and greater disability. Acute stroke treatments are time sensitive and are proven to improve outcomes of stroke survivors.
Hospitals have stroke guidelines in place to ensure that patients receive treatment safely, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important that stroke patients come to hospital urgently via ambulance as soon as the symptoms occur or are noticed.
Act F.A.S.T and call 995 for an ambulance if you notice any of the signs of stroke.

Let us all do our part, spread this message. Stroke, Don’t Stay at Home !
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This message is brought to you by the Singapore National Stroke Association in collaboration with Angels Initiative, supported by the Stroke Services Improvement (SSI) team.